Why Routines Are Important to Healthy Development

The Positive Aspects of Routines

Your child’s life is full of new things. Every day, they learn new skills that can improve their lives. However, the one skill that is the most beneficial to them is often the one that they don’t notice. Adhering to routines is a necessary skill for children to develop in order to build a foundation for their eating, sleeping, playing, and exercising patterns. Yet, despite the importance of routines and how necessary they are, children are sometimes determined to disrupt their routines at all costs.
In this blog, we will discuss some of the routines that your child might have. By adopting these routines you can ensure that your child will be well adjusted. And, if your child already has these routines, we will offer some tricks to make your child adhere to their routines.

Eating Routines

Eating routines are very important for children, especially kids younger than 10. Eating routines help stabilize their digestive system and ensure that their metabolism is functioning properly. This will help your children in the long run, as they will be able to eat, digest, and burn off their food quickly.
Eating routines can be more than just eating at a regular time, three times a day. There are other routines, such as ensuring that there is one vegetable on their plate at all times. Of course, even if a vegetable is on your child’s plate, they may overlook it completely and not eat it. No matter what, it is important to keep up with routines, especially when it comes to good. Digestive health is paramount to a growing body, which makes food fuel for your child’s success. Food has been linked to boosts in energy, mood, and cognition, which is why routines of balanced and regular meals are so important.

Sleeping Routines

Sleeping routines are vital to the mood of a child. Children with irregular sleeping patterns are often tired and moody. Why? Well, if you have ever been near a toddler that hasn’t had a nap — you will know the difference between a rested and non-rested child. Ultimately, it is up to the parents of a child to regulate sleeping patterns, such as making sure the child is tucked in at a certain hour at night. Many parents will choose to put their child to sleep anywhere from 7 pm to 9 pm. This is perfect times to ensure that your child is well rested when they wake up the next morning.
Sleeping routines also involve napping patterns as well. Napping is very important for a child. If they are tired during the day, a nap is a way to replenish their energy and mood. Without a nap, you might have a child acting like an emotional ticking time bomb. Naps are so important, yet some kids refuse to take a them, which means there will most likely be tears before any snoozing will take place. As a parent, you must remain strong and understand that just because your child is crying does not mean that you are hurting them. Sleep is so important to a child and not allowing your child to get their needed rest will have consequences on their mood, as well as their health.

Playing Routines

Your child needs to learn how to stop play. Using playing routines to show your child that play sometimes needs to end. This is good for them, as they will learn how to stop playing with their toys without having a meltdown. Many times, you will see children have temper tantrums if they are being told to stop playing. This is because they aren’t used to the idea that playtime needs to end. Building up routines to start and stop playtimes will help them understand and take the change easier. This will obviously help you, the parent, as you won’t have to worry about your child erupting into tears every time you need to leave a playground.

Exercise Routines

Children need exercise to regulate their metabolism, burn calories, and strengthen their muscles. Even though children are (for the most part) active, more children are less likely to exercise for the needed 60 minutes a day. That’s right, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, your child should be exercising for at least 60 minutes a day. If they are not, they may not be utilizing their bodies as much as they should be. One excellent way to ensure that your children are getting the workout they need is by reserving time in their day for running, jumping, and climbing.

Rebounderz of Newport News

At Rebounderz, your child can exercise and play to their heart’s content. Here, they will be able to get their play and exercise routines completed, while also having fun. As a parent, it is rare that you will be able to find one location where your child is able to stay healthy and enjoy the activity at the same time. Visit our Newport News location today!

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