5 Things Kids Should Know Before Starting School

Summer is in full swing and school doesn’t start for a while longer, but that doesn’t mean you have to wait to get your child ready for their first year of school. Take these months to make sure they’re ready for what will be asked of them in school. We’ve gathered five things all kids should know before they start school. Today’s entries will be more focused on behavior, while we’ll be diving into actual knowledge they should have in a future blog. At Rebounderz Trampoline Park, we’re passionate about kids getting active and having fun. Come to our Edison location to jump around!

Listening and Following Instructions

Whether it’s schoolwork or a classroom activity, children should be able to listen to and follow simple, two-to-three step instructions. Something you can do to prepare them for this is to give them easy tasks to complete around the house, like cleaning up their toys or setting the table. Two-step instructions like “Clean up your toys and put them in your toy box” and three-step instructions like “Set the plates, cups, and silverware on the table” helps them understand each step clearly.


Teachers are, unfortunately, not adept at reading minds. This makes communication key for your child. They should know how to effectively and clearly communicate their needs, both to teachers and other kids. Encourage your little one to speak in complete sentences of about five or six words, like “May I have some water?” Make them comfortable with talking about how they feel and what they need.


We’re not implying that your child should be ready to move out on their own — just some basic self-sufficiency skills. Things like being able to dress and feed themselves, as well as how to go to the bathroom on their own, will help them greatly in school and give them confidence in their own abilities. Help your kiddo practice dressing themselves and opening food packages until they can do it without your help.


For most children, school is the most time they will spend with other kids and non-family members. This makes it very important that they have a good grasp on proper manners. This includes sharing toys with others, taking turns, and saying “please” and “thank you”. Teach them this at home by practicing with board games to show them how to take turns.

Simple Stories

This goes alongside listening and communicating, but it also involves memory retention. Our memories are still forming and solidifying when we start school, so it can be tough to keep track of everything. However, kids entering school should know how to understand and retell simple stories. Practice this by reading together at home, then asking your child, later on, to retell what they remember. These stories don’t have to be longer than five-to-ten minutes long.

Getting ready to send your little one off to school can be pretty scary, but with a little bit of pre-planning, you can set them up for academic success. Physical activity has been heavily tied to development and success in school, so bring your kid to Rebounderz in Edison to give them a fun and safe place to be active. See you here soon!

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