The Importance of Patience With Children

Being Patient With a Child

Patience is almost like a scarce commodity; it can be difficult to receive it and difficult to keep it. Patience requires us to step back from ourselves and try to understand others and their points of view. As a parent, patience is necessary to ensure that you and your child have effective communication at all times. In this blog, we are going to discuss the importance of patience and good communication in a parent-child relationship. Hopefully, by reading this blog, you can be more confident in how you handle situations and discuss issues with your child.

Patience is about understanding others.

Patience requires parents to detach themselves from their needs. This means that if your child is crying, whining, or even screaming, it is important that you detach yourself from your own needs. Your needs in this situation would be to have your child stop crying, calm down, and to stop making a scene. However, just because you want your child to behave, doesn’t mean that that will happen. Typically, if a child is acting out, they believe that making an auditory or even physical reaction (hitting, kicking, or throwing things) is the way to get your attention. Of course, a temper tantrum is never the right way to communicate with each other, so if your child begins to make a scene, it is important that you refuse the situation immediately.
The first way to address a temper tantrum is to understand why your child is upset. For the most part, especially with young children, the reason can be simple and easily identified. For instance, most children will be upset that they are not getting something they want or even attention. Once you understand why your child is upset, rather than purely addressing the situation by how it affects you as a parent, the faster you will be able to address the situation.

Patience requires you to communicate without fear.

When a child gets upset, a parent can easily panic and look around in fear. When a child is having a tantrum, bystanders can easily get annoyed and pass judgmental looks. It is important that you disregard what others think about you. Trust that you are a good parent by addressing your own situation, rather than reflecting on what others think about your parenting skills.
By letting go of who you are perceived, you are better able to address why your child is upset. Being patient with your child is about being able to communicate with them without being fearful about what others think. Telling your child to stop embarrassing you, can only make them grow up with emotions of shame or guilt whenever they openly express their feelings. This can lead to issues in their lives regarding their ability to be open with others, to express themselves, and even how they communicate with you in the future. After all, no one wants to feel like an embarrassment to their parents!

Patience allows your child to learn valuable lessons.

When you become a parent, your only goal is to raise and nurture a good child. You do this, in the hopes that one day they will grow up to be a great person. However, no one great became that way by being rotten, spoiled, mean, and selfish. As a parent, it is important that you adjust your child’s mindset and attitude before they believe that acting naughtily is the best way to succeed in life. Being patient and addressing their tantrums is the best way to ensure that your child learns valuable lessons in life.

At Rebounderz, we have seen time and time again, how children can get upset when playtime is over. Children want to play longer and don’t want the fun to end. Being upset when the fun is over is natural and completely normal. However, when a child gets upset, panic can set in for a parent. Tears and wails can make parents upset and punish their children. Instead of being forceful with your child, a dose of patience might be what they need. So, instead of shouting at them to stop crying, perhaps using the opportunity to provide them with a lesson is important. Instead of simply communicating that the fun is over, maybe stating that the fun is over, but it doesn’t mean that it is over forever.

Get on their level and show that you are speaking to them fairly.

If your child is crying, it may be good to meet them at their height level. By standing over them with disapproving words and looks, they can get the impression that you are overbearing and depriving them of something they deserve. By kneeling on their level, you are subconsciously letting them know that you can talk to them “on the same level.” Though you may not be equals, as one person is responsible of the other, talking to them equally and fairly may give them the impression that you aren’t taking something (playtime) away just to be cruel.

Letting your child cry can be healthy for them.

Sometimes, letting your child cry can be the best thing for them. For example, you may remember a time when you were so upset and mentally exhausted that you just wanted to cry, children are no exception. Though they may not have the maturity to understand quite why they are so upset, crying is the best way to mentally and emotionally sort through their scramble of emotions. Though listening to them shriek and wail isn’t the best sound, allowing them to cry out what they are feeling can be healthy. Allowing your child to cry openly and without punishment, can also teach them that crying isn’t something to be ashamed of. Crying can be an emotional release in many ways. It is important, however, to make sure to remove your child from the thing they are crying about and have them sulk in a private place. For many parents, this can be considered a “timeout.” A timeout can be set in your child’s room or in their car seat. It is important to be present for when they are crying and keep a close watch. Once they have stopped crying you can come in and give them a calm and reasonable chat about why they were upset and why they were removed from the situation.

Rebounderz of Apopka, FL

At Rebounderz, we offer a fun and safe place for your child to enjoy. Parenting is difficult, but with perseverance, and most importantly, patience, you can teach your child valuable lessons to improve their character. Rebounderz offers parents a unique opportunity to teach valuable lessons and to handle them when a tantrum ensues.

Visit Rebounderz today to enjoy a day of bouncing!

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