Staying Active In the Summer

Every year, around the month of June, a phenomenon occurs; every child in the country leaves their school to go on summer break. Summer break is meant to be a time for recreation, a break from study. Unfortunately, for some kids, summer can be an excuse to sit around and watch cartoons for three months. This recreational habit might be appropriate for a few days, but after a week, the lack of mobility might be worrisome for parents. At Rebounderz Trampoline Parks, we want to give every child the opportunity to have a fantastic summer and stay active at the same time. That is why we created Rebounderz Summer Camps!

In the summer, we at Rebounderz host a fun-filled summer camp for children ages two years old and above. Included in this summer-long camp, children will have full access to a variety of our games and activities. Campers will be able to jump to their heart’s content on our indoor trampolines and play games on our basketball and dodgeball courts. Included in their summer experience, campers will also have access to our giant foam pit. By joining our camp, your child will be able to have the care-free summer he/she deserves—staying active and enjoying the summer months!

Our summer camps not only host a range of activities for your child, but we begin our camp at times convenient for parents. Our sessions range from late-morning to early-evening.

• 10:00–12:00pm
• 12:00–2:00pm
• 2:00–4:00pm

However, scheduling can be difficult to determine, especially if you are a parent of more than one child. Times can overlap, but you don’t have to give up your child’s summer just because of scheduling. At Rebounderz, we are extremely flexible! We can work around your schedule to ensure that your child can participate. So, not to worry! To request a different time schedule, all you have to do is message Rebounderz and we can design a specialized session.

On top of our flexibility for session times, we at Rebounderz are also flexible with the length of our sessions. Depending on how long your child would like to jump for, we can change their session to either one-hour or two-hour intervals. This means no wasted money or time! Pay for the time your child uses, nothing more or less!

Included in signing up for our summer camps, campers will receive a pair of reusable grip socks. These socks will help with their jumping capabilities and prevent rubber burns on their feet. At Rebounderz, we believe in safety first. All camps are well supervised, and games are always regulated to be fair and safe. A summer can’t be fun if someone is hurt, that is why we always have one chaperone present at all times.

If you are interested in a fun, safe, and well-organized summer camp for your child, Rebounderz is perfect for you! Our summer camps are affordable, as well as flexible to your time schedule. We believe that every child should enjoy their summer and stay active. Visit online to find out more!

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