Rebounderz Trampoline Safety Rules

At Rebounderz Indoor Trampoline Parks, we strive to be the only place you consider for fun family entertainment. Although fun is our mission, safety is our primary concern. Afterall, how can you let loose and have a good time if you have to be worried about you or your loved ones getting injured. We aren’t just safety conscious; we don’t simply list safety on a list of goals. We live and breathe safety and exercise it through actions. Here are some of the primary ways Rebounderz ensures maximum safety to its jumpers.
As with any physical activity, there will always be risks. Before you may proceed, we list all of the risks and discuss with you how to mitigate these risks. You are required to sign a waiver that releases liability from the arena in the event that you disregard our warnings and safety steps. However, if you follow our rules, we can almost guarantee an incident-free adventure!
Safety Brief
Prior to being allowed in the jump arena, all jumpers are required to listen to a safety brief. This is required for all jumpers, regardless of it’s your first time or your 500th time jumping. This is to reinforce the safety rules and answer any questions. If you are new to jumping, there may be dangers you didn’t even consider prior to stepping into the arena. All of the safety rules are also posted around the facility for continued reference and constant reminders to be safe!
Roving Safety Enforcers
In addition to all of the other safety steps, we don’t rely on every Jumper to remember all the rules. We know that once you start bouncing around and having fun, your mind will be focused on how high your bounce was and giggling with your friends. To help, all Rebounderz family entertainment centers are staffed with roving safety enforces. Think of them as bouncing referees or jumping lifeguards. They will help make sure everyone is safely having fun.
Gripper Socks
Prior to entering the arena, we will issue a pair of rubber grip safety socks. These are great for many reasons. The primary we require them is they prevent slips on the trampoline. This makes your jumping experience more enjoyable for you, by allowing you to land your jumps and launch back up. It also helps reduce the static friction from shocking you because the socks don’t allow your feet to rub on the trampoline surface. Our socks also offer minimal ankle support which helps reduce landing injuries or strains on the rebound.
One of the other major reasons we require our grip socks is to maintain good hygiene. Our socks are clean and their use is limited to within the facility. We know that your feet are not the only part of you that will touch the trampoline. They ensure that you aren’t landing in anyone’s foot sweat or that whatever someone’s foot has come in contact with isn’t transferring to the jumping surface. An added bonus is that they help to keep our trampolines from smelling like feet!
Wall Angles and Double Beds
Most injuries on backyard trampolines result from a jumper falling off the trampoline, hitting the edge of the trampoline, or falling through an old trampoline. To help prevent these injuries, all of our walls are angled and padded. If a jumper does bounce out of control or fall, these interventions help prevent injuries. Our trampolines are maintained indoors and are inspected regularly, which helps reduce breakdown and limits someone falling through. However, trampolines are still material and there is always the potential of breakage. To eliminate injuries if a trampoline material breaks through, all of our trampolines are double bedded, meaning beneath each trampoline is a secondary trampoline to break the bounce of the jumper, not their leg!
Joshua Lines
Everyone who has jumped on a trampoline knows that the middle is the “sweet spot” for jumping. It is the part that is furthest away from the springs on the edges, making it the most giving and elastic. The edges of trampolines are generally avoided because they are less bouncy, and tend to have harmful edges. At Rebounderz, because of the way our trampolines are constructed, the entire trampoline is the “sweet spot!” Of course, there are still areas that are less than ideal for jumping, which is covered with squishy pads and outlined with red lines, that we call “Joshua Lines.” All jumpers are encouraged to try not to jump in the marked areas during the safety brief, when all the markings are discussed in depth.
Engineered Corners
When two trampolines are secured together, it naturally leaves spaces between. These spaces are potential for a jumper to fall through. Rebounderz Indoor Trampoline Park trampolines are specially engineered to not have spaces where 4 corners meet and overlap. This ensures that there is nowhere for someone or part of someone to fall between.
Regular Inspections
All Rebounderz trampolines are inspected on a routine schedule by the facility’s trampoline maintenance team. In addition, Rebounderz corporate franchise sends its own inspectors to conduct routine inspections. If a trampoline or its parts are discovered to be unsafe, it is immediately fixed on site. Roving safety monitors continually assess the trampolines for safety during jumping hours.
Safety Trampolines
Exoskeleton Jumper is much more than single trampoline joined together by chains and tie-downs. It is a patented single trampoline that uses the suspension to provide a unified trampoline area for a much safer jumping experience. Our Exoskeleton Jumper trampolines are exclusive to Rebounderz, which allows us to boast the highest safety ratings throughout the indoor trampoline park industry.
Your fun is important to us, as is your safety. We offer the best safety interventions in the industry. Our goal is to have you return over and over and to accomplish that, we need to be sure you walk out of our family entertainment center feeling better and happier than you did when you arrived! Come tour our Trampoline Park and let us show you all the safety features we offer.

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