Ninja Warrior Course Coming to Rebounderz in West Michigan

Ninja Warrior Course Coming to Rebounderz in West Michigan by Chris Bouma.

As I reflect on my childhood and think about raising my two children, who doesn’t get excited by the thought on Ninja’s or Warriors? We all have a little of both in us, as children and even adults.  Over the last several years, Ninja Warrior has evolved into a cultural phenomenon with competitions, events, and television.  When the concept of adding a high end Ninja Warrior course into our Rebounderz offerings, we were pumped!

Tune into our live construction feed of our Ninja Warrior Course below:

The concept is simple, but the execution is complex.  We wanted the longest, highest, coolest, most challenging course possible for our customers.  It started in early 2016 when Rich VanDyke and myself traveled to Newport News, Virginia; and got to see the first course in the Rebounderz family open up to the public.  It was an instant hit as customers flocked to the location and the excitement was off the charts for this new attraction.

Our Rebounderz friends in Rhonert Park, CA installed  their Ninja Warrior course in September of 2016 with some modifications, changes, and upgrades.  Again, customers young and old flocked to this new attraction.  Our challenge was to now take industry’s best design and make it bigger, better, and “badder”!

Rich and I worked for 3 months with multiple sources and the Rebounderz Corporate engineers to come up with something ground breaking.  Our Ninja Warrior course will be over 200 feet and contain 3 different courses designed for the Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced participants.  The course will feature dozens of obstacles; Michigan’s first Spider Wall, a multi-section elevated course, and the finish line is on top of a 10 foot warp wall.  All this will be highlighted with state of the art design and colors, LED lights, timer system, and horn/smoke effects. Apparatus can be moved and swapped out every month to keep the course fresh and new for those who wish to participate in leagues, time trials, or just like to visit often.

(The course featured here is located in Rebounderz of Rohnert Park, CA)

Our course has been built and is being shipped to our location for installation in early March.  We expect to be open for business with our Ninja Warrior course during the week of March 12th and we will have multiple features, events, contests, and media coverage to celebrate the addition of our Rebounderz Ninja Warrior course. Everyone at Rebounderz is excited and we can’t wait to see all the Ninja’s in West Michigan bring out the warrior in themselves.

Rebounderz Grand Rapids, MI
7500 Cottonwood Dr.
Jenison, MI 49428

Follow  us on Facebook to keep up to date on the build out of our Ninja Warrior Course.

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