Ninja Obstacle Course Learning Benefits


You want your kids to have a great birthday. You want their friends to have a lot of fun, and you’d probably like their parents to be happy with the experience. But, you don’t want a house full of sugared-up, hyper kids with no focus or organized activities.  

You may also want the activities planned for your child’s birthday to have some educational value. Of course, in order to sneak that in, any learning will have to be imperceptible to the kids. If they think you are trying to get them to learn something, you may end up with a mutiny on your hands.

Our 200-foot long Ninja Warrior Course has something for every kid and every level of ability. And, believe it or not, it offers a learning experiences unlike anything else. Your kids and their friends will never expect a thing!


When children take on a new challenge, like an obstacle course, they naturally want to improve their performance. They want to get better and go faster. To accomplish those goals, they have to learn to remember what they did last time around, and understand what worked and what didn’t. Practicing these skills during play time help kids function better in the real world where they make, and need to learn from mistakes, every day.

There are no crutches on the course. No lists, no written down sequence of steps to follow to ensure success, and no one standing over their shoulder to remember everything for them. They’ve got to learn on their own in order to get better. And, trust us, beating their friends in a race to the end is a great motivator. They’ll learn pretty darn quickly.

Discipline and Decision Making

Winning requires discipline. This is something that your grade school and middle school age kids will learn during their Rebounderz birthday. Kids younger than that are probably going to be more focused on just getting their motor skills working and completing individual obstacles.

You know that the older your children get, the more competitive they become. They’ve got those motor-skills down. They know how to remember each step in the course so that they can improve, and their fine motor skills are pretty well formed.

When competition becomes the focus of your child’s Ninja Warrior birthday party, they’ll be practicing their ability to self-discipline. And they’ll be doing it all on their own. How great is that?

Decision making is a big part of self-discipline. Children learn to make choices like, “‘Do I want to win at all costs, or do I want to play fairly?’ and ‘What do I want more, to win or to get the first piece of birthday cake?’”


Coordination, Strength and Agility

While your child is having the best birthday ever at Rebounderz, they’ll also be building bilateral coordination, practicing their motor-planning skills, learning how to process and manage a ton of sensory input, and strengthening their muscles!

Each part of the course requires that kids engage a different set of muscles and a different set of skills. They may need to climb, walk, run, jump, balance, spin and swing. Each of these activities helps improve their coordination, strength and agility. Gross motor skills and visual perception are all improved through these activities. While we may not think about these things as a type of learning, they are. In fact, they are a very important types of learning, and they require practice and concentrated effort. An obstacle course, like our Ninja Warrior Course, encourages both practice and effort.

Fine motor skills are also strengthened on an obstacle course. Gross motor play actually contributes a lot to fine motor skills. Grabbing and holding, taking thoughtful, deliberate steps and coordinating concurrent movements, all of which are required on our course, help to develop fine motor skills.

Make it a Sensory Play Day

The entire Rebounderz Trampoline Arena experience makes for one big day filled with sensory play. Whether you’ve got little ones or teenagers, they’ll have a fantastic time here. And the fact that they are learning new, important skills the whole time will just remain our little secret.

We think Rebounderz in Grand Rapids is the perfect place for birthday parties. If you want to learn more, give us a call or come in and meet with one of our party planners. We’ll do all of the heavy lifting for your little one’s big day, so you can relax and enjoy the day with them. See you soon!

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