Helping Your Child Succeed in School: Part One

While a lot of your child’s educational success comes down to the effort they put in while at school, support from parents can give them that extra boost so they can get the most out of their learning. With that in mind, we’ve gathered some of the best ways that you can help your child succeed in school. This is an opportunity to foster a lifelong love of learning that will enrich your child’s life long after they’ve finished their schooling. Today will be the first part of our two-part series regarding your child’s educational success. Something that can help with your kid’s brain function is ensuring they’re getting enough physical activity. When you’re looking for a fun place for your kid to be active, bring them to Rebounderz Trampoline Park here in Lansdale!

-Go to Back-to-School Nights and Parent-Teacher Conferences

Getting involved in your child’s education has a tremendously positive effect on their performance. One of the easiest ways that you can get involved is by attending functions that allow you to meet with your child’s teachers. Not only does this give you a chance to see what their expectations are for the school year, it will also help you understand the curriculum that will be covered going forward. When you have that information, you’ll be better equipped to assist your child if they are struggling with their homework.

Parent-Teacher Conferences will also help you track your child’s progress. When discussing how your child has done over the past semester, their teacher will bring up concerns or recommendations for improvement. This is a great chance for you to create a game plan with their teacher for how to help them succeed. Whether it is a struggle with homework, poor testing, or bad behavior in class, together you’ll get an idea of where your focus needs to be placed. If there is a point where you believe a special meeting with a teacher would be beneficial, most teachers are able to make arrangements at any time during the year.

-Go to the School and its Website

When you visit your child’s school, you’re able to get a better idea of how it is laid out so you can connect with your child more when they discuss their school day. Make sure you know where the main office, school nurse, lunchroom, gym, playground, auditorium, and your child’s specific classrooms are.

Checking the school’s website will provide you with a wide range of information, such as:

  • The school calendar, including holidays when school will not be in session.
  • Upcoming events like field trips or tests.
  • Contact information for the school’s staff.
  • Lunch menu, which allows you to plan when you might need to pack a lunch.

Many teachers and schools keep their websites updated with homework assignments, testing dates, and field trips as a special resource for parents. With this information, you’ll be able to remind your child about important days and assignments that they need to focus on.

-Support Homework Expectations

While many kids find homework boring, the truth is its purpose goes beyond education. Homework helps to form a child’s work ethic when they’re outside of the classroom. This makes it doubly important for children to practice good study habits, as those habits will carry over throughout their lives. This will also impress upon themselves a sense of responsibility for their own actions. When you foster responsibility and work ethic, they will have a stronger feeling of control over their success.

To make homework a priority in your household, it’s important to provide your child with an effective study environment. Make sure their workspace is quiet, well-lit, comfortable, and stocked with plenty of supplies like pencils and paper. Keep the area clear of distractions like TV that would pull their attention away from their studies. Depending on the assignment, you may be able to set a start and stop time to give your child a similar structure to their work as they would have while at school.

A good guideline to keep in mind for homework or studying is it should take about 10 minutes per elementary grade level. That is to say, fourth-graders will typically spend about 40 minutes on homework or studying each night. However, if you notice it is taking much longer than that, it is a good sign you should speak with their teacher. Their workload may be too much for them to handle or they may be struggling with the subject matter and require extra teaching.

Make yourself available to your child while they’re studying in case they need help interpreting assignment instructions, extra guidance, or answer questions to help them understand a tough project. However, that does not mean you should provide the correct answers or complete the assignments yourself. A great deal of learning comes from making mistakes, which is an experience you don’t want to take away from your child.

-Start Their Day Off Right

Brains need nutrients in order to function properly. This proves the old adage is true: Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. When a child starts their day off with a nutritious breakfast, they will have more energy, be more attentive in class, and grasp complex concepts easier than if they are working off an empty stomach. Kids that eat breakfast will also be healthier, which means fewer trips to the school nurse or days spent sick at home.

You can help improve your child’s attention span, ability to concentrate, and information retention with a breakfast rich in whole grains, fiber, and protein. It’s a good idea to steer clear added sugars, which can cause an energy crash halfway through their day. Packing a snack with fresh fruit, nuts, or yogurt can help ensure they have energy throughout the day.

Outside of breakfast, there is another way that you can ensure you’re sending your child to school ready to learn. Most school-age kids need around 10 to 12 hours of sleep a night in order to be productive the following day. Help your child practice good bedtime habits by turning off electric devices one to two hours prior to their bedtime to ensure they get enough sleep. When kids don’t get enough sleep, they will be more likely to be irritable or hyperactive and struggle to focus in class. A consistent bedtime routine is key to helping your child be ready for school every day. Do what you can to manage your child’s schedule of after-school activities, recreational sports, video games, computer time, and other activities to ensure they’re getting a full night’s rest.

There are many ways that you can help your child succeed in school, which we’ll be covering in the near future. Keep an eye on this space for more helpful tips to ensure your child gets the most out of their academic pursuits. When you’re looking for a great way to reward a wonderful report card, bring your child to Rebounderz here in Lansdale. Whether they want to jump around in our exceptionally safe trampoline park or they want to test their might in the Ninja Warrior course, we know they’ll find a fun and exciting way to be active. We hope to see you here soon!

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