Halloween Candy and Your Child’s Health

Halloween: Trick or Treat?

On average, American Halloween goers will consume 3.4 pounds of candy over the holiday. That amount averages to about 7,000 calories. Candy is deeply woven into American culture, but how much “treating yourself” is too much?
Today, America faces obesity epidemics for both adults and children. It begs the question, “Perhaps the way we celebrate our holidays has something to do with our weight issues?”
In this blog, we will discuss the over-consumption of candy and its effects on your child. To provide a fun alternative, Rebounderz of Apopka can offer you a different way to treat your children, without having them stuff their faces with sugar.


Is Halloween a Bad Thing?

In no way is Halloween a bad thing. In fact, Halloween is a great holiday to enjoy and decorate for. The only portion of the holiday that is “bad” is the fact that overcoming candy can be a poor decision in terms of your health. And, since the holiday is mostly targeted at children, candy consumption issues typically involve them. This means that kids are eating large quantities of candy and consuming copious amounts of sugar. Ultimately, it is up to parents to monitor and regulate how much candy a child will consume during the holiday. But then again, most parents aren’t available to watch their child 24-hours a day. Instead, the only thing they can do is make sure that children aren’t stuffing their faces with all of their Halloween candy in one night.

Why Are Children Territorial Over Their Halloween Candy?

If you have watched the Jimmy Kimmel special “I Told My Kids I Ate Their Halloween Candy” you will be able to witness the drama that ensues after that sort of statement. Tears, screaming, and a bit of attitude is shortly to follow a parent telling their children that they ate/threw away their candy. Most kids get upset about losing their candy because they don’t get much candy in their normal lives. This makes their Halloween candy that much more of a treat. However, there are other kids that get upset because they took the time and the effort to collect their treasure trove of sugary delights. The idea of losing their candy often sets off their tempers and causes parents to witness their child have a tantrum. But is throwing away their candy actually a bad thing?
Most children won’t be able to finish all of their candy anyway. And, half the fun of Halloween is being able to go house-to-house and yell, “trick or treat!” So, why keep all that candy around to sit on top of your refrigerator and potentially add to your child’s candy consumption. Though Halloween and candy be a great treat, sometimes it can be abused. Instead of the holiday being about fun and friendship, it becomes about how much candy can one child eat.
The best way to keep your child healthy for the holiday is to figure out a way to regulate how much candy they are eating. For one, you could always tell them that they can keep one half of their candy collection. The second half you can either throw away or give away. Ultimately, if an entire collection of candy is left in your house, you or your child will eat it. It is sometimes better to be wasteful than unhealthy.

Rebounderz of Edison, NJ

Though Halloween has its downsides, it doesn’t have to be all bad. The holiday is a great time to enjoy with your family, decorate, and dress up. The candy aspect of the holiday is only one portion of the day. And, even if your child does consume a lot of candy, there are ways to try and remedy the situation.
Rebounderz of Edison offers your child a fun and exciting place to jump and play for hours. Here, they can enjoy the holiday and even burn off some of the calories they ate from their candy.
Stop by your local Rebounderz today for a healthy treat during the fall season! This way, you can ensure that your child is getting the exercise they need to burn off their Halloween candy. At Rebounderz, we offer kids a fun way to exercise. Stop by our Edison location today.

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