Four Reasons to Go Out and Play with Your Family Today

We’ve all heard it. The family that plays together stays together. There’s a lot of truth to that statement.

Once you’ve read our list of reasons to go out and play, we know you’ll be convinced, so head on over to Rebounderz in Sunrise, the best family fun you’ll find anywhere in town.

#1 Learning

There is a lot of evidence, including from the Harvard Family Research Project, that family time helps children learn. Informal recreational activities are on the project’s list of top things a family can do together to help children learn.

Other studies have found that quality definitely beats quantity. Time spent with your children when you are stressed out, grouchy, sleep-deprived, and short-tempered, can do more damage than spending less time with your kids. Time spent doing nothing, or just watching TV, may also be detrimental. To get the most out of your time with your children, be actively engaged with them, participate in activities together, talk, laugh, and learn together.

Here’s the most important part of the learning equation. Children learn more from what we do than what we say. Getting out and spending quality play time with your kids shows them that they are your priority. You’re teaching them by example how to be good parents to their kids when they grow up.

#2 Emotional Health and Wellbeing

We all want our children to be happy, healthy, and successful. Spending time with your kids is one of the best ways to help set them on that path. Family time is a key factor in ensuring a child’s emotional and mental well-being as they grow up. According the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service’s Building Blocks Program, a child that spends quality time with their family is less likely to engage in dangerous behavior or abuse drugs and alcohol.

#3 Physical Fitness

This is another example of where your children can learn more from what you do than from what you say. If you are a couch potato, they are likely to emulate that behavior. But if you are engaging in activities with your kids, like trampoline jumping, rock wall climbing, hiking, bicycle riding, throwing the frisbee, or playing dodgeball, they’re more likely to stay active when you aren’t around to facilitate.

#4 Family Bonding

When your children become teenagers, they’ll either look to you or their peers for help making the big decisions they’ll be facing. If you’ve spent quality time together, laughed and played together, and demonstrated through your actions that you love them unconditionally, don’t you think they’ll be more likely to come to you? We sure think that would be better than going to their friends.

Spending quality time together doesn’t have to be a chore. As a matter of fact, if you treat it like a chore, your kids may feel like spending time with them is just another chore you have to check off your list. Quality time can be as simple as:

  • Active discussions at meal time. Turn off the TV. Talk with your kids. Really listen. Be happy about the time you’re spending together.
  • Playing sports. Whether it’s a game of catch in the yard, or coaching the little league team, this can be some of the most fun you and your kids will ever have together.
  • Grocery shopping. If you usually treat this as a chore, turn that around. Make it a fun outing with your kids by including them in the process. Read labels together. Talk about what you’re planning to make with what you are buying. Quiz them about the names of fruits and veggies.

It isn’t difficult to find ways to spend quality time with your kids. And, of course, we think one of the best ways is to come down to Rebounderz in Sunrise and spend an afternoon on the trampolines and running the Ninja Warrior course. We hope to see you soon!

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