Birthday Venues Dos and Don’t

When planning your kid’s birthday, there are a lot of factors you must consider, such as what the theme should be, what to serve, and what party games to plan. Aside from all of these different decisions, you also need to make the most important decision: where to have the party. Choosing a party venue is by far the most important decision you will make in the entire party-planning process. When deciding on a venue, you must confirm that the location is safe, enclosed, and able to handle a crowd of running, shouting, and laughing children.


Your House

In our previous blogs, we have discussed why having your child’s birthday at your house is a notoriously bad idea. Children are naturally hyper-active and accident-prone; if you value your time, money, and sanity — don’t host at your house! If our two blogs of why not to host your child’s birthday at your house were not evidence enough, we can continue to give you reasons why it is not a good idea. For example, while children are a joy, their presence almost ensures a giant mess. If you serve any sort of food at the party, you can bet money that a child will take it upon themselves to smear food on any of your home’s surfaces. In most cases, small children will decide that your nice, clean walls deserve a little something extra — like chocolate cake or cheeto dust.


The most popular choice for kids party venues is the park, specifically local and public parks. The issue with these sorts of parks is that they are often not enclosed, which can pose a challenge when trying to keep an eye on your child and their birthday guests. Parks are also often located near a street, which can be dangerous to cross or even be close to.
Because most parks are public, you also have to be watchful of who is at the park with your guests. If you child is still too young to understand the importance of “stranger danger,” you will have to keep your head on a swivel constantly. Though no one may wish any harm to your kid’s party, as the parent, you are responsible for the safety of all of the guests, not just your children. By having your child’s birthday party at a park, you are adding stress to yourself by trying to coordinate and protect all of the party’s attendants at the same time.

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A Restaurant

It is rare that a restaurant will be big enough to handle your entire party. If you have indeed found one, you can pat yourself on the back, because finding one is the equivalent of finding buried treasure. However, if you have been unlucky in your search, there are always other options, so don’t worry!
Restaurants are a daring choice to have a birthday party because they can be expensive. If your child invites many kids and their parents, you are responsible for paying the bill. Not to mention, you will have to leave a pretty sizable tip for the poor waitress/waiter that was forced to take orders from a crowded table of rambunctious children.

Amusement Parks

If you decide to have your young child’s birthday at an amusement park, not only are you brave, but you are positively fearless! Why? Well, amusement parks can be stressful enough when you’re just caring for one child. If you decide to have a birthday party at amusement park, you are caring for your child and their friends. The whole thing will make your head spin. Not only are amusement park tickets extremely expensive, but they are often crowded. It is almost impossible to keep on eye on everyone at once, and on the slight chance you lose one of your guests, you must spend the rest of your day trying to find them.

Ice Rink

Though ice rinks are large enough to handle the size of a birthday party,they tend to be dangerous. If you have the glorious idea of having your kid’s party venue at your local ice rink, keep in mind that you are allowing children to play on hard, cold ice, with razor-sharp blades attached to their feet. Injuries are bound to happen, and not simple ones either. Children are naturally uncoordinated; this results in them falling over and over on the rink floor. When kids fall, they are also likely to sprain or break a limb, which will lead to very loud, very high-pitched, crying.


Now that you have a list of some of the venues you don’t want to host a birthday party at, we will now explain why Rebounderz is a good option for you!

Rebounderz Indoor Trampoline Parks

At Rebounderz, we are a large indoor park that not only is equipped to handle a large group of children, but that is our business! We have tons of safe attractions for your guests to play on and even a private party area where you can collect presents and party favors.

If you are interested in hosting a worry-free birthday party for your child, contact Rebounderz today and book a date!

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