Fun After School Activities for Kids

When kids are in school, their time is occupied by reading, writing, and learning for the bulk of the day. While they may get some time to play at recess, they often come home with a lot of pent up energy from sitting around in class. Kids are hungry for fun stuff to do and you can help them out with some of these great after school activities that are easy to prepare. If you’re looking for an after-school spot to help your kids get active, come to Rebounderz Trampoline Park in Rohnert Park. We’ve got plenty of great attractions your children are sure to love.

-Obstacle Course

The best part of this activity is how creative you can get with it. You can set up household items like pillows and books to create obstacles your kids will have to navigate. You can even make up a story to give the course some context (i.e. the floor is “lava”). If the weather is nice, you can set up something bigger outside. Add in stations where they have to finish a task in order to move on, such as doing 20 push-ups or jumping rope for a minute. The only limits to this are your creativity and what you have on hand.


Easy to set up and even easier for everyone to do, all you will need for this is something to act as a limbo pole. Whether you choose an old broomstick, a jump rope, or some other object, all you need is two people to hold it and one person to limbo under it. Add in some fun music for some extra jolly vibes and everyone is having fun. The only question is, “How low can you go?”

-Cooking Together

While many parents worry about kids in the kitchen, you can take some precautions to make it a safe and fun experience for everyone. Find some kid-friendly recipes online and let your little ones help prepare dinner with you. Not only does this make kids feel more involved and grown-up, it could even foster a love of cooking that can extend long into their adult life.

-Volunteer Together

Teaching young kids empathy, kindness, and the value of giving back to the community are some of the most valuable lessons you can pass on to them. Whether you volunteer together at the local senior center, rake leaves for a neighbor, walk dogs at the animal shelter, or pick up trash at a nearby park (be sure to bring some gloves for that one), there are so many ways that you and your child can get involved and give back. Fostering a child’s desire to help others has a huge impact on the community and their behavior in and out of school.

-Make Up a Dance Routine

With all of that restless energy burning holes in their pockets, kids go crazy for a chance to dance and move around. Even if you don’t have time or budget to go to a dance class, you can learn a lot from dance instruction videos online. Don’t feel constrained by pre-existing dances, though. Put on a fun song and let the beat lead the way. You might be surprised by the fun moves your little one comes up with.

-Take a Trip to the Library

If your child loves to read more than running around, you can take them to the local library. This is a great opportunity for them to pursue their own academic interests and learn about something not covered in school. They might find fantasy or science fiction suits their tastes more than the required reading in class, which can help expand their mind and help their imagination grow.

There are so many after-school activities you can do with your kids that we’ll dive into more in the future, but for now, we hope this gets the ball rolling. A little bit of creativity can go a long way to help your child grow up great. So whether you choose a craft project, exercise activity, or a charitable pursuit, you’re improving their lives in ways that might surprise you in the long run. When you’re looking for the perfect after-school spot for your kids to get some extra energy out, bring them to Rebounderz in Rohnert Park! Our trampolines are safe, our foam pit is fun, and the Ninja Warrior will make your little one feel like a champion. We hope to see you here soon!

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