How Being Active Helps With Brain Function

Here at Rebounderz Trampoline Park, we are absolutely crazy about getting people active. From little kids to adults, we want to see everyone jumping, running, and laughing the whole way. You might not be aware of this, but being active can have pretty incredible effects on how your brain functions. How so? We’re going to dive into the many ways that physical activity can boost your brain today. If you’re looking for a fun way to get active and get these benefits, why not come to Rebounderz in Sunrise? Whether it’s on our safe trampolines or in the exciting Ninja Warrior course, you’re sure to find a fun way to get moving here!

-Improved Circulation

When you are physically active, your blood flow increases. This in turn delivers vital oxygen and glucose directly to the brain, while removing waste products that can gum up the system. Cardiovascular exercises, like running or rebounding on a trampoline, have an even bigger effect, pumping more oxygen and glucose to the brain thanks to the increase in heart rate they create. Physical activity and exercise has also been shown to stimulate the growth of cerebral blood vessels, which also improves blood flow to the brain and through the rest of your body. When you exercise, the synapses in your brain are stimulated as the number of acetylcholine receptors located at the junction of your nerves and muscles are preserved. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that plays a large role in memory, motivation, and attention, making it invaluable. This also means that people who are active have more receptors active in their brains than inactive people.

-Better Mood

When you are active, your body is able to produce more serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that is strongly connected with good health and stable mental well-being. What that means is exercise can operate as a natural antidepressant, as an increase of serotonin can help balance mood and emotions. That means that physical activity can also help reduce stress levels and anxiety issues. Beyond the physical activity, many people find a sense of calm when they’re able to focus on the task at hand of working out, which also helps improve mood.

-Learning and Memory

You would be amazed that even moderate exercise, such as a 30-minute walk, can help to improve your memory functions, learning abilities, and even abstract reasoning skills. While it’s tough to say exactly why this happens, many believe it all comes down to the improved oxygenation the brain receives during this type of activity. When your brain receives more oxygen, it is able to operate properly, which allows you to retain more knowledge easier than otherwise.

-More Brain Cells

For many years, the common belief was that the human brain was complete at the time of birth and was not able to grow new brain cells. However, in 1999, the Salk Institute produced a study that showed that an adult human brain actually does have the capability to produce new cells. This process is what is called neurogenesis. In the years since that discovery, more studies have been conducted to determine the process behind the new generation of brain cells. Many of these studies have pointed toward exercise stimulating the production of a brain protein called Noggin. This aptly named protein drives the production of neurogenesis, as well as stem cells. That means exercise increases your brain’s ability to grow new cells, and the more you work out, the more new brain cells you can produce.

-Brain Disease Prevention

The National Institutes of Health have stated that physical activity can help to delay or prevent the loss of cognitive function that is brought about by age and disease. People that do not engage in physical exercise are two times as likely to develop debilitating brain diseases, like Alzheimer’s, compared to those that are regularly active. It is recommended to do physical and mental exercises to help fight these diseases. Some mental exercises include using your non-dominant hand to do tasks or completing word games and math problems. These exercises help your brain strengthen its neural connections, as well as create new ones. Physical exercise increases the flow of important nutrients to your brain which help it to stay healthy. When you combine the two forms of exercise, you’re ensuring your brain will be operating well for years to come.

No matter which physical exercise is your favorite, it is fair to say it will help with how well your brain functions. All it takes is 30 minutes of activity, at least three times a week, to see results. If you’re looking for a fun way to be active, look no further than Rebounderz Trampoline Park here in Sunrise. Whether you’re catching some air on the trampoline, taking a leap of faith off the 14-foot tall JumpXTREME Tower, or you’re dunking on our SlamBall court, you won’t struggle to find the perfect activity to boost your brain power. We hope to see you here soon!

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