Support Your School With Our Indoor Trampoline Park

Where Bouncing and Charity Meet

Bouncing and charity might seem very far apart from each other. How could bouncing on a trampoline make a difference? Well, Rebounderz Apopka has established an official night where institutions, such as schools and charities, can raise money for their cause. In this blog, we will discuss how this night can help your local schools and institutions grow and create a fundraiser everyone is sure to remember!

Fundraising Made Easy

On Spirit Night, Rebounderz opens its doors and sells tickets for an extremely low price.. Because of this, charities and schools can purchase tickets to set up a low-cost, enjoyable, fundraiser. Our Spirit Night is as easy as inviting the community to come support your organization. But, how does it work?

First Step: Print Out The Flyer

First, in order to run a proper fundraiser, you need people to know about it. When you sign up for Spirit Night with Rebounderz, we will offer you customized flyers with your school or organization’s information on it. We will send the flyer to you in a PDF file and then you can print it out and distribute it throughout your community. By doing so, you will not only have a well-organized flyer to entice people to attend your fundraiser, but you will have a way to spread the word and get more people to join you for your fundraiser.

Second Step: Invite Rick O’Shay To Your School

Once the word is out that you are having a fundraiser, people will want to join in the fun. But, of course, there will be those few people that will be hesitate at first. That is why Rebounderz will send our official mascot, Rick O’Shay to make a special appearance at your elementary school. So, while kids depart the school in the afternoon, Rick can wave to them and invite them to your fundraiser for you!
And, if Rick isn’t enough to coax your community through our doors, Rebounderz also can help organize contests for your guests. After all, the more fun involved in your fundraiser, the more people will want to join in. Contests can be anything from costume contests, best trampoline tricks, to even a dodgeball tournament.

Gift card purchases do not count towards the sales total at the end of the night.

Third Step: Make a School Announcement

Though Rebounderz can provide many features for your fundraiser, there are a few things that your school or organization must do to boost your guests’ excitement about the fundraiser. For instance, it is highly recommended that students are given a flyer to take home in folders. It is also wise to send the official flyer in an email to school staff and in the school’s newsletter. The school should also use the intercom at the school to make an all-school announcement about the fundraiser and when it will be. Ultimately, the more you remind your guests about the fundraiser, the more excited they will be to attend. This can also influence others who are not so keen on the idea of going to the fundraiser. One great way to influence people to go to Spirit Night is to publish a social media post on our official Rebounderz Facebook page. There, you and your community can ‘like’ and ‘share’ the information about your fundraiser to a larger audience of people than just your school or nearby community.

Fourth Step: Get Helpers

Because your fundraiser will have so many people in attendance, Rebounderz will need your help! Though we have a staff of our own, we will be sorely outnumbered the afternoon of your fundraiser. This means that we require at least three extra helpers to assist us with organizing your fundraiser. We will need specific help greeting your guests as they come through our doors, arranging the gear station, and helping out around the lounge areas. Your volunteers will also need to assist with facilitating any of the contests that you would like to complete during your fundraiser.

Fifth Step: Have Fun

It is important to have fun at your fundraiser. In just one evening you will be able to offer fun and excitement to your school or organization, as well as raise money from ticket sales for your cause. While at your local Rebounderz, you and your guests have full access of all of our attractions, such as our dodge ball arena, our foam pits, and of course, our trampolines. Learn more about our Spirit Night and visit your local Rebounderz today.

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