Father’s Day Activities That Are Fun For Him and His Toddler

Father’s Day is June 17, which is quickly approaching! If the dad in your life is like most dads, knowing what to do to celebrate their special day is difficult, especially if he is a father to a toddler. Not many toddler-friendly activities are fun for dads and while you could let dad do his thing for the day, doing an activity without his children defeats the meaning of the holiday! While you could plan a barbeque, dad would likely be the grill master, unable to relax and be doted on. Perhaps special gifts and his favorite dinner is how your family has always done things. But that tradition is as outdated as a tie and a coffee mug! This year, take father’s day to the next level and plan some activities that are fun for both dad and his toddler!

Plan a Fishing Trip

When people think of traditional Father’s Day activities, one of the first things that probably comes to mind is fishing. If the dad in your life is up for a day of fishing, plan the day for him to relax by the water with his pole and his kid — and maybe his father too! Learning practical skills, such as fishing, from their fathers is important to the development of children, and can make dad feel good by passing on information or a skill that he holds. In addition, if the trip is successful, they may bring home a tasty dinner you can prepare while dad plays with the kiddos.

Sign Up For Hardware Store Classes

For the handyman dad in your life, there is nothing better than a trip to the hardware store and all the treasures it holds. When your kids are toddlers, the dad in your life may feel bummed that they cannot pass on the handy skills and knowledge they possess. In an effort to bring kids and their handy dads together — and to allow mom to let them into the store, unaccompanied — many hardware stores offer classes for kids and their parents to build something together. Find a class in your local area or find a small project — picture frame or shelf — that dad can build with the kids at home.

Make a Scavenger Hunt

No one knows your toddler and their dad better than you! Create a scavenger hunt they both can participate in to find his hidden Father’s Day gifts. Leave clues that maybe your toddler doesn’t understand, but remind dad to explain everything to the toddler. Not only will dad have Ron Swanson caliber fun, it is an opportunity for your toddler to watch and learn from their dad. Don’t feel limited to hiding clues only inside your house! Make an adventure of it and plan small activities they can share along the way.

Play at the Local Family Entertainment Center

One thing that dads and kids have in common is the joy they find in playing! For this reason, a trip to the local family entertainment center would be a planning a win for both the dad in your life as well as his kids. Whether you have a local indoor trampoline park, arcade, go-kart range, or indoor climbing wall, plan a day out to let dad and his kids be kids for the day. At Rebounderz of Grand Rapids, we offer a full trampoline arena in addition to a Ninja Warrior Obstacle Course, dodgeball, and human foosball. For the toddlers, we also have a three-story playground.

Father’s Day is the one day a year to celebrate the special bond between dads and their children. When planning the events of the day, be sure to include both dad and the kids in all of the activities. For more “daddy and me” ideas for Father’s Day or to play the day away, call or stop by Rebounderz of Grand Rapids today!

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