9 Tips for Preparing Your Child For School

While there’s still some time left to enjoy summer vacation, the school year is just around the corner. Whether you have a little one getting ready for their first year in school or you have a kiddo that’s a bit older but still apprehensive, there are things you can do to help them get the most out of their time in class. Today, we’re going to take a look at some tips for preparing your child for school. If you want to give your kid a fun and safe place to play before summer is up, come to Rebounderz Trampoline Park here in Sunrise.


Before starting school, a kid’s day is pretty freeform, and the same goes for summer. When your child is getting ready to start school, it’s important you teach them how to follow their schedule, when school starts and ends, and any other important activities they’ll need to be aware of.


School can be overwhelming and scary. Your child will be spending a lot of time with other kids they might not have ever met before. This makes it important to check in with how they are feeling about the situation. Ask what they’re excited about, what they’re scared of, what they’re hopeful about. This gives you a chance to assuage any fears they might have so they can walk in on their first day with confidence.


Take an opportunity to visit the school with your child before the school year officially starts. Meet with their teacher, explore the grounds, get a good idea of the layout of important places. This will help your child feel more comfortable about going to school when they have a chance to see it when it’s not filled with other kids. Some schools hold open house hours for this purpose.


While you may have your own apprehension about not being able to spend as much time with your little one as you once could, it’s important to stay positive when talking about it with your child. Focus on how much fun it will be, bring up how many new friends they’ll be able to make, tell them about how much they’ll be able to learn. If you focus on the negativity it can give your child anxiety about starting school — that won’t help them at all.


Let your child know it’s okay to be nervous about the first day of school. Your kid will be in the same position as all the other kids — starting an entirely new experience in their lives. It’s totally normal to have first-day jitters. Your child should know that all kids are nervous about starting school, but it’s nothing to be afraid of.


When you’re packing your child’s lunch, leave a little note in their lunchbox letting them know you’re thinking of them. This can provide a nice sense of comfort to keep them going when they hit the halfway mark of their first day. It’s also nice to pack in some of their favorite snacks so they have another source of comfort during the day.


With how scary the idea of school can be when you’re first starting out, there are many anxious thoughts that can creep in. Give your child reassurance that if any problems come up at school, you’ll be there to help them get resolved. However, don’t create hypothetical problems for them to think about, as that can cause them to worry over nothing.


If it’s possible, it’s a great idea to have your child spend some time with one of their classmates before the school year starts. Not only does this give them a friend to start the year with, it also gives you a chance to help them get used to socializing with kids outside of the family.


Depending on your individual situation, you may not be able to pick your child up right after school. Find out what activities are available for your child to participate in after they get done with class. This is another great opportunity for them to socialize with their new classmates.

The first day of school can be nerve-wracking for kids and parents alike. Hopefully, these tips help make the big day a little easier for everyone. For a great place to beat the heat before the summer ends, come to Rebounderz here in Sunrise!

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