Where Can You Use Foam Cubes?

The Modern Marvel: The Foam Pit

In any fun zone, gymnastics stadium, or even indoor trampoline park you have probably seem a foam pit. The idea of a foam pit is simple; you run, you jump, and you land in safely in the foam. Yes, that’s it. Despite the simplicity of the attraction, it is one of the most timeless features of any kids park. Most of the reason why foam pits are so popular is that they are safe for children. Decades ago, ball pits were extremely popular for child’s play. However, the plastic balls were too small and caused a choking hazard for children. To combat this problem, owners of playgrounds and attraction parks developed large foam squares. These squares were large, soft, and impossible to swallow. In a way, they actually improved the ball pit, because foam allows for a softer landing and more mobility. Foam pits are functional and fun, allowing kids to enjoy their imaginative freedom, while also staying safe.

Foam Pits for Gymnastics

In a gymnastic stadium, foam pits are often utilized because they offer gymnasts a soft landing after a trick. In gymnastics, training takes years and tricks often are hard to land perfectly. If tricks aren’t completed perfectly, team members could be seriously injured. For this reason, foam pits are used to give athletes a safe place to land while doing the trick. So, typically these types of pits are strictly used for training purposes, and not play. Although, in junior gymnastics, a few minutes of playtime in the foam pits is allowed. When gymnasts graduate to a higher of level tricks, they will not use the foam pits as much. By using the foam pits too often, the athletes won’t learn how to properly land within their program.

Foam Pits for Fun Zones

Foam pits have been known to show up in fun zones at food chains, such as McDonald’s, Chick-fil-a, Chuck-E-Cheese’s, and Burger King. At these kids playgrounds, balls pits and foam pits are typically an added feature. In the last decade however, ball pits have become less popular. Foam pits are an excellent attraction for children because they can play and pretend “sink” into the foam. With a feature like a foam pit, a child’s imagination is able to run free.

Foam Pits of Indoor Trampoline Parks

At indoor trampoline parks, foam pits are almost always available. Because foam pits are cushioned and fun to play with, they typically are used for landing after trampoline tricks. And, while they aren’t used for landing purposes, they are also used for general play, such as a “cube fight.” In this game, the cube foam cubes are thrown around like a snowball fight. Because the pieces are all made with soft, polyurethane foam, no one can get hurt and the fun can last an afternoon!

Rebounderz, Newport News, VA

At Rebounderz, our indoor trampoline park is equipped with full-sized foam pit. In this attraction, you are your loved one can jump, “swim”, and throw the cubes to your heart’s content. And, when you are through with our foam pit, feel free to utilize our other attractions, such as the Xtreme Towers, our trampoline area, and our ninja warrior obstacle course. If you are interested in a fun afternoon, come on down to your local Newport News Rebounderz.

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