Trending Themes for Kids Birthday Parties in 2018

Is your kid’s birthday party coming up soon and you have no idea what to do for it? You could throw the same birthday party that all your kid’s friends had — since you know they’ll love it. But, you know your child deserves a unique party just for them! Here are some of the top trending birthday party themes for 2018.


Although luaus have always been a fun party theme idea, this year young girls have been requesting luaus. While they may love the colorful hibiscus flowers and flower leis, it is more likely the Moana-inspired appeal. The latest Disney movie is taking over the birthday party circuit. Let your little one be the star of the party with a luau in their honor, Moana decor optional.

Superhero Party

Superhero parties have been popular for decades, for boys and girls alike! There are so many options for this theme, including theming the entire party around your little one’s favorite superhero or hosting a costume party so the kids can come dressed as their favorite superhero or create their own. Whichever you choose will help guide party decorations and the cake.

Spa Party

For your little princess, treat her and her friends to a spa party. Allow the girly-girl in your life to get a manicure/pedicure, her hair done, and a refreshing mask. If you have enough willing, helpful adults to be the spa employees, you can set up a spa for the kids to be catered to in, complete with cucumber water. If not, you can always set out the supplies and let the girls do each other’s nails and hair. There are many homemade face mask recipes that can help lower your costs while you pamper the little ones.

Trampoline Park Party

Over the last decade, each year, trampoline park birthday parties become more popular. This is because guests of all ages can attend and have fun jumping to their heart’s content. Trampoline parks like Rebounderz will take care of all the setup, hosting, and clean-up for you so that you can enjoy the party with your guests and will even provide a themed party room complete with food and drinks. You just bring the cake and the guests!

The Art Station Party

Activity center parties are great for elementary school age children who love getting hands on. Create a few stations where the kids can create something fun to take home or give as a gift to your little one, such as a painting, dream-catcher, or friendship bracelets. Another art party idea is to create art on a large scale! Hang a sheet as a canvas and let the kids go nuts throwing paint at it or use squirt guns and spray bottles to shoot the color onto the “canvas.”

Emoji Party

Becoming popular in the last few years, emoji parties are still topping the charts of trending kid’s birthday party themes. To kids, emojis are used more to communicate than actual words are, so it stands to reason that it would be a popular theme. Fortunately for you, there is no shortage of emoji decorations and you can decorate cupcakes with any emoji you like!

The key to picking the right theme for your kid’s birthday party is by including your child in the decision process. If your kiddo has a specific theme in mind, remind them what the theme will be regularly to prevent them from seeing a good idea and changing their mind! Have fun and be creative when planning birthday party decor, and let your kiddo help. If you want someone else to handle it, call us at Rebounderz Trampoline Park, where we take care of the planning and coordinating for your trampoline park birthday party!

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