5 Ways to Celebrate Women’s Health and Fitness Day 2018

The third Wednesday in September has been celebrated as National Women’s Health and Fitness Day since 2002 to help bring awareness to the unique wellness concerns that women face but have not been historically talked about. Women’s’ health issues are not only important for women to understand, but also the men in their lives, and the nation as a whole. It wasn’t long ago that women were banned from sporting and fitness events because it was believed that the physical stress of physical fitness may cause reproductive issues. To spread awareness and take advantage of such an important day, there are a few ways you can celebrate!

1. Gather for a Healthy Meal

America’s favorite way to celebrate just about anything is with a meal! Gather up your favorite women and share a healthy meal. This is a great opportunity to discuss health and wellness issues while putting an emphasis on healthy eating habits and nutrition. You could even suggest doing a healthy recipe swap. Prepare your favorite healthy dish and make it a potluck!

2. Identify Your Risks

National Women’s Health and Fitness Day is a great opportunity to evaluate your health and fitness status, honestly. Once you understand where you are at, you can better identify some risks and help to mitigate them. Women are disproportionately affected by heart disease, osteoporosis, and obesity. When you better understand your risk, you can start to make changes to help prevent them. What better day to start than Women’s Health and Fitness Day?

3. Set a Healthy Goal

Remember your New Year’s resolutions that have fallen to the wayside over the last nine months? This is a great opportunity to try again or set a new, updated goal. Healthy goals include something like “train for a 5k,” “quit smoking,” or “drink at least eight glasses of water daily.” Health goals do not have to be major, all healthy changes help to improve your overall wellness.

4. Schedule Medical Appointments

If you are a woman, it is important to ensure that you are making regular preventive health appointments, specifically ones with your gynecologist. Depending on your age, medical history, and conditions, your doctor will make a check-up plan ranging from a Pap-smear every three years to an exam and mammogram every six months. At these appointments, you can also address birth control, vaccines, and STD/STI information and testing. If you are not a woman, this is a good opportunity to talk to the women in your life about preventative appointments they should be attending. Don’t worry, you don’t need to go into detail about medical conditions, but can encourage them to schedule routine appointments to ensure everything is well!

5. Get in a Workout

What better day to exercise your fitness than on a day dedicated to your fitness! If you already workout regularly, grab a girl pal who doesn’t and do something fun to encourage them to start their fitness journey. Physical exercise and fitness are not only important to fit in your favorite pair of jeans but to your overall health and wellbeing. Check out some of the tips offered from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We suggest something fun that will allow you the opportunity to celebrate with your favorite girls, such as heading to your local indoor trampoline park for an hour of rebounding!

At Rebounderz Extreme Fun Zone, we believe that every person should live the best, healthy life that they can. We aim to provide a place where people of all ages can come and enjoy a fun workout that helps improve their health and fitness! If you are looking for the perfect place to gather up all the girls and women in your life to engage in an enjoyable workout, contact us at Rebounderz of Jacksonville today!

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